With all of the time and money that can go into moving, spending money on one more thing can seem like a bank account drain. However, when it comes to selling your home, investing in a professional photographer can mean the difference between getting a buyer and making a sale you'll be proud of. If you want to get the deal your house deserves, you might want to consider the skills of a professional who will make your house look like someone's dream home. "Lighting" Up Your House If you've ever noticed how dull a room can look when it's cloudy outside, you'll quickly realize how important the … [Read More...]
Whether you're getting prepared to buy a new home or just curious about upcoming trends in housing, there are a bevy of features gaining momentum on the real estate market. From top to bottom and room to room, here are five popular features that homebuyers will be sure to notice this fall. Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better There was a time when a bigger home meant a better home, but with the cost of maintenance and heating, bigger homes are experiencing a decline in popularity. Instead of sizeable mansions that look the part, buyers are becoming more interested in houses that are more … [Read More...]
Last week's economic news included several reports related to housing. The Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index for June rose to 4.50 percent as compared to May's reading of 4.40 percent. Denver, Colorado was the only city to post double-digit year-over-year growth. FHFA also released its House Price Index for June. Home prices for properties associated with mortgages owned or backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rose at a year-over-year rate of 5.60 percent in June as compared to May's reading of 5.70 percent. New Home Sales, Pending Home Sales Rise in July Commerce Department data revealed … [Read More...]
If you're moving from a large home into a smaller house or condo, you're probably looking forward to enjoying a lower utility bill and not having to do as much cleaning. But before you move, you'll want to take certain precautions to ensure that you're not overwhelmed. A smaller home won't have as much room for your belongings, which means you may need to get creative. Here's how you can downsize without losing your mind. Decide What You're Going To Keep Before you do anything else, choose which of your belongings are coming with you. Unless you've habitually been getting rid of things you no … [Read More...]
You've found it: A large new home for your family. It's in the area of the city that you love, with the perfect architectural style and lots of room for entertaining guests. It would have been perfect for you, but there's only one problem - you're not quite ready to pay the price the seller is asking for. You'll have to put in an offer below the seller's asking price - a risky move. Although you will be rolling the dice with an offer below asking price, there are ways that you can increase the likelihood that your offer will be successful. Before you submit your offer, use these three … [Read More...]
Denver, Colorado continues to woo homebuyers as home prices rose by 10.20 percent as of June according to the Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index. The Mile-High City was the only city included in the index that posted double-digit year-over-year growth in June. San Francisco, California posted a 9.50 percent year-over-year gain in home prices and Dallas, Texas rounds out the top three cities posting highest year-over-year home price growth with a reading of 8.20 percent. Denver's home prices were impacted by the city's rapidly expanding economy and demand for homes coupled with a slim supply … [Read More...]