When you buy a home, you probably have a budget you will try to stick to. Many people choose a 30-year fixed mortgage, and by the time you pay off the home loan, you should own your home outright. At the same time, you might be thinking about paying off your mortgage more quickly to save money on interest. Even making one extra mortgage payment per year can provide a number of significant benefits. You Can Build Up Equity Faster One of the first benefits of making an extra mortgage payment every year is that you can build up equity faster. If you make an extra mortgage payment, that payment … [Read More...]
Purchasing a house is expensive. Not everyone has the money to put down 20 percent. One of the ways to make it easier to afford a house is to live in a home with multiple generations. Some people decide to move back in with their parents because they might have a difficult time affording a mortgage and student loans. Some parents move in with their children because they have health-related issues that need to be addressed. Now, multi-generational homes are becoming more common. An Overview Of Multigenerational Homes First, it is important to define a multigenerational home. This is a home that … [Read More...]
Build Wealth More Quickly One of the first benefits of owning a second home is that you can build wealth more quickly. One of the major benefits of investing in real estate is that you can leverage the bank's money to help you build wealth. Even though you may have only put down 20 percent, 100 percent of the property’s appreciation benefits you, as you own the home. If you own a second home, you can build wealth more quickly because you are doing this with two separate properties. Enjoy Switching Up The Scenery Many people like to own a second house because it allows them to switch up … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic reporting included month-to-month and year-over-year readings on inflation. The University of Michigan released its monthly consumer sentiment index; weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also published. Inflation Reports: No Good News for Consumers The war in Ukraine increased inflation rates in the U.S in February as costs for fuel, food and housing continued to rise. The federal government reported that month-to-month inflation rose by 0.80 percent in February; analysts expected a month-to-month increase of 0.70 percent as compared to … [Read More...]
Many people are looking for opportunities to save money on the cost of a mortgage. If you want to save money on your home loan, you might be thinking about refinancing. During the refinance process, you will replace your current home loan with a new mortgage. Some people want to refinance their homes to free up cash for a renovation project, while other people want to pay off their homes sooner. How can you pay off your home loan early through a refinance? Reduce Your Interest Rate During the refinance process, you might qualify for a lower interest rate. There are numerous reasons why … [Read More...]
One of the most common questions homeowners have before listing their home for sale relates to the selling price. Understanding the value of the home is about far more than just comparing the square footage of the space with other homes that have recently sold in the area. While there are many factors that will play a part in a selling price, location is an important factor for several different reasons. Neighboring Properties The properties that are located next to the home for sale are critical to the property value. For example, a home that is located next to a park or a beautifully … [Read More...]