Last week's economic reports included construction spending, personal income, and multiple reports on employment. Freddie Mac's mortgage rates survey and new jobless claims were also released. Construction Spending Dips in June According to the Commerce Department, construction spending fell in June to -0.60 percent as compared to expectations of an increase of 0.50 percent and May's reading of -0.10 percent. Spending was even across public and private construction spending. The Commerce Department said that construction spending on June rose to $1.13 trillion was 0.30 percent year-over-year … [Read More...]
Selling your home can be an extremely emotional process, but it's important that you don't let your emotions get the best of you. Learn which common mistakes emotional sellers make when selling their home so that you can identify them during your own sale and overcome them before it's too late. Price Paralysis You love your home, you know the value it provides to its owner, and you think it's special compared to other houses on the market... and that it should be priced as such! Be wary of this thought pattern though, as sellers who are emotionally attached to their home tend to overprice … [Read More...]
Sometimes a move is unavoidable, regardless of how much you or your kids' would rather stay in your current home. If your young ones are not looking forward to a change in scenery, here are a few tips to help them make a smoother transition into their new home. 1. Involve Them Involving your children in the moving process will not only help them to better understand the move, it will also make them feel as though they are more in control of the situation. By taking them to open houses they'll become familiar with the neighborhoods you're considering moving to, and will have the chance to see … [Read More...]
Renting is hard. It's easy to get lost in the length and language of rental agreements, but it's important not to get discouraged when that happens. Rental agreements are fundamental documents that lay out the details of your tenancy, so when you're ready to negotiate their terms, give them the attention they deserve with the help of these tips. Research the Property Like prepping for a job interview, make sure you know about the property you're negotiating. Research the market so you know a reasonable price to ask for (and to expect). Read up on comparable properties in your neighborhood so … [Read More...]
It's no secret that high-tech homes can provide a more effortless living experience while also being just really, really cool. If you're looking to up-the-ante and introduce high-tech gadgets into your home, check out our top three smart-home suggestions: 1. Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Robotic vacuum cleaners are one of our favorite high-tech toys as they can alleviate a significant portion of the burden of your regular household chores. They're even more beneficial considering the fact that they can also make your home much more comfortable to live in. Food crumbs, pet fur, and dust bunnies are … [Read More...]
Last week's economic reports included S&P Case-Shiller Housing Market Indices, reports on new and pending home sales, Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rates survey. The Federal Reserve released its customary statement after the scheduled Federal Open Market Committee meeting concluded; the Committee did not raise the federal funds rate of 0.25 percent, but indicated that economic risks were fewer, which suggested that the key Fed rate may be increased in September. According to the S&P Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index for May, home price growth dipped from 5.40 percent in April to … [Read More...]