Are you considering buying a home for the first time? For some, it can seem nearly impossible to come up with the funds for the down payment. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can save a little over time and not have to borrow from the "Bank of Mom and Dad". If you're looking to invest in a home in the short-term and are looking for solutions to save up, here are some tips on how to get to your down payment amount more quickly. Create A Budget Most people don't like the idea of a budget, but few things are going to help you reach your financial goals like having one. Instead of … [Read More...]
There are so many small details involved in the final purchase of a home that it can be easy to lose track of the things that need to be done. While you won't be able to forget about a home inspection, a pest inspection can be every bit as important before you sign on the dotted line. If you're wondering why you shouldn't forego this important step, consider the following information. The Final Offer Few people want to deal with problems, especially when it comes to their dream home. But the entire purpose of a pest inspection is to ensure you know about these problems before you sign on the … [Read More...]
Last week's economic news included releases from the National Association of Home Builders and releases from the Commerce Department on housing starts and building permits issued. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and new jobless claims were also released. NAHB Housing Market Index Dips; Builder Sentiment Remains Strong Higher lumber costs were cited by the National Association of Home Builders as contributing to lower readings for the group's monthly Housing Market Index. July's reading was two points lower than May's index reading. The original May reading of 67 was adjusted to 66. Builders … [Read More...]
It can be difficult to deal with water restrictions if you're a bit of a green thumb and don't want your beautiful plants to go to waste. Fortunately, there are plenty of succulents out there that can be quite striking and will still be able to store the water they need to survive. If you're looking for some low-maintenance plants that thrive in the dry season, here are a few succulents that will do the trick. The Christmas Cactus Known as the Christmas Cactus, this plant can be a great way to get the beautiful flowers of summer without all of the water consumption that's usually required. … [Read More...]
Summer may be the season for swimsuits and beachside barbecues, but it's also a great time to get your friends together for a party in your own backyard. Whether you're ready to show off your new home or are just looking for a good reason to celebrate the season, here are some ways to ensure your party is one that will make the summertime memorable. Choose Dollar Store Decorations When it comes to throwing the best party, nothing will work to create an atmosphere like the decorations! Instead of heading to the party store, though, take a trip to the dollar store where you'll be able to find a … [Read More...]
According to the National Association of Home Builders, July builder sentiment dipped to an index reading of 64 as compared to June's revised reading of 66, the original reading was 67. Analysts expected the reading for July to increase to 68. Builders cited increasing lumber prices as a concern affecting builders' outlook on housing market conditions for new single-family homes. Any reading over 50 for the NAHB Housing Market Index indicates that more builders than fewer are positive about housing market conditions, but July's reading was the lowest in eight months. NAHB said that home … [Read More...]