Whether you are just about to graduate college or you have been out of school for a few years, there's a good chance you're carrying some amount of student loan debt. It seems that news headlines are regularly pointing out that the nation's graduates are suffering from the stress of student debt. Moreover, that pressure can be even worse for those who are looking to buy a home and start putting some roots down in the local community. Are you worried that past student loan debt will affect your chances of buying a home? Let's run through a few tips that can help put your debt worries at ease. … [Read More...]
Component readings used for calculating Housing Market Index readings also rose in October. Builder sentiment for current market conditions gained five points for a reading of 75. The index reading for builder perception of market conditions in the next six months also rose five points to an October reading of 78. Builder sentiment for home buyer traffic in new home developments rose one point to 48. Buyer traffic readings seldom exceed a Home Builder Index reading of 50. NAHB Chairman Granger Mc Donald said builders were recovering from the initial shock of damage caused by hurricanes, but … [Read More...]
Are you in the market for a new house or condo? Whether you're looking for something luxurious or intimate, you'll want to ensure that you have enough space for all of life's necessities. Many home buyers focus on bedrooms, bathrooms and living areas as their top priorities. But have you given any thought to your closet space? In today's blog post we'll explore why a spacious walk-in closet should be high on your list of "must-haves" for your new home. Enough Storage For A Stylish Couple An upgrade in storage space is the main reason to have a large walk-in closet – and for good reason. … [Read More...]
Last week's economic reports included minutes of the Fed's Federal Open Market Committee meeting held in September along with releases on inflation and weekly reports on mortgage rates and new jobless claims. FOMC Meeting Minutes Indicate December Rate Hike is No Sure Thing According to minutes for the September 19 and 20 meeting of the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee, the Fed has adopted a wait-and-see posture concerning a possible rate hike at December's meeting. Although analysts previously indicated that additional rate hikes were expected by the end of 2017, the Fed chose … [Read More...]
Staging is one of the most important aspects of any home sale. The more attractive your home is to potential buyers, the faster you can finalize the sale and move on. With that in mind, let's explore four home staging ideas that won't cost a fortune but are sure to impress your buyers. #1: Clean The Place Until It Shines The first and most obvious option is not going to cost much more than your time. Your home needs to be absolutely, positively spotless. The floors should be so clean that you would have no issue with eating off of them. The walls should be clean and free of marks. Windows and … [Read More...]
Are you a fan of homes with a bit more character than newer, modern designs? Whether in pristine condition or more of a "fixer upper," older homes are incredibly popular in cities across the country. However, there are some key factors to consider if you're thinking about buying a home built decades ago before modern standards were enforced. Let's take a look at three key design issues that you will need to be aware of if you're thinking about buying an older house. Old Electrical Designs Can Be A Significant Fire Hazard No matter when a home was built, it's almost guaranteed to have … [Read More...]