When you make an offer on a home, you wait anxiously to see if it will be accepted. Sometimes you're lucky enough to hear back within hours. Other times you could wait days or even weeks. But once you get that good news that your offer has been accepted, what happens next? It's a common question, and one that your real estate agent can help you with. In general though, here's what you can expect. There's A Home Inspection A home inspection needs to be conducted in order to assess the condition of the home for financing needs. This is a stage where some issues might come up that require … [Read More...]
Atlanta, Charlotte, New York and Los Angeles are always on the real estate radar because of big ticket sales and good media coverage. The secondary markets - those markets without the celebrity undertones - may actually be better deals. With the price of borrowing money rising and occupation rates dropping in primary markets, places like Nashville and Birmingham are looking better to investors. Where Are the Secondary Markets? A secondary market is generally defined as a mid size or large city that has recorded an uptick in growth in the immediate past. They do not have quite the economic … [Read More...]
Last week's economic reports included remarks by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, readings on inflation and core inflation. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and first-tome jobless claims were also released. If the government shutdown continues, it is expected to impact release dates for readings from federal government agencies. Federal Reserve Watches and Waits on Interest Rates as Inflation Slows Fed Chair Jerome Powell said that the Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve will "wait and see" about raising the target federal funds rate this year. Chairman Powell spoke at a … [Read More...]
If you're looking to get an untraditional deal on a new home purchase, you may encounter either a short sale or a foreclosure. These two terms refer to sales that are not usual. As a homebuyer, it's important to understand the differences between them and how each one might affect your buying experience. What's A Short Sale? A short sale is a situation where the owner has a strong motivation to hurry up and sell their home. In so doing, they're willing to sell for less than what they owe on the house. Homeowners have a variety of reasons why they might do a short sale. Their reasons might … [Read More...]
There comes a time in every young homeowner's life when they need a bigger house. When you buy a starter home, it's unlikely that will be your forever home. But how do you know when it's time to spend the time and effort to upgrade to a larger home? Here are four signs you're gonna need a bigger house! 1. You Have To Move Stuff To Get To Other Stuff In a house where there is enough room for everything, you can move freely and access all your things without having to rearrange furniture. If you find yourself constantly pushing other things aside in order to get to what you want, there isn't … [Read More...]
If you're already a homeowner and you're getting ready to buy a new home, you know it's tricky to buy and sell a home at the same time. There are lots of questions about how to handle this scenario. What if your old home doesn't sell quickly? Will you have to make two mortgage payments? What if you sell and the new owners want to move in before you close on your new home? Depending on your situation, here are some strategies available to you. Get A Bridge Loan If you find yourself facing more than one mortgage payment - one on your old house and one on your new house - consider taking out a … [Read More...]