From the sales price to the general layout of the building, there are numerous factors that buyers will consider when touring homes. While there are specific factors that buyers may be searching for in a new house, there are also a few warning signs that home buyers should keep their eyes open for. The following are among the top red flags that may serve as warning signs. Signs Of Poor Home Maintenance It is reasonable to expect all homes to have some signs of wear and tear unless they are new construction. However, it is also reasonable to expect that sellers have taken some steps to improve … [Read More...]
Now is a great time to take out a new home loan because mortgage rates continue to hover near historic lows. As a result, many homeowners are refinancing to a lower rate. This is also the perfect time to move because homeowners can take out a new home loan with a lower interest rate. Mortgage rates will not remain at historic lows forever and have already begun to rise slowly this year. Homeowners should sell now and take out a new home loan before they rise too much. Homeowners Can Take Advantage Of A Bidding War Because the real estate market is so competitive right now, homeowners might be … [Read More...]
March readings for S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Indices rose to their highest level since 2005 in March. National home prices rose by 13.20 percent year-over-year as compared to February’s reading of 12.00 percent growth. The Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index reported average year-over-year home price gains of 13.30 percent in March. Phoenix, Arizona continued to lead the 20-City Index with a year-over-year home price growth of 20 percent. San Diego, California followed with home price growth of 19.10 percent; Seattle, Washington reported year-over-year home price growth … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic reports included readings on home price growth, new and pending home sales, and inflation. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. Case-Shiller Reports Highest Gains in Home Prices Since 2005 March home prices grew at a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 13.20 percent according to S&P Case-Shiller’s National Home Price Index for March. National home prices gained 12.00 percent year-over-year in February; the corresponding 20-City Home Price Index reported that Phoenix, Arizona held the top spot for home price growth for the … [Read More...]
With COVID and social distancing keeping people apart, buying a home in person has become a real challenge. Digital tools and online presentations of homes for sale have ramped up in response, making it possible to see properties with both static images/photos and with “360 degree” views or interactive walkthroughs. However, these are not real-time images of the home itself. They are professionally-developed representations of a property, and a lot of software work goes into making those images marketing ready. Photographic Tools of the Trade If a listing has included images … [Read More...]
The housing market is extremely competitive right now because mortgage rates are still near record lows. While mortgage rates are rising this year, the rates are still attractive to many individuals and families who are looking to buy a home. At the same time, when mortgage rates change, families need to re-evaluate their budgets. A change in mortgage rates will impact the monthly mortgage payment, so families need to know what they can afford. Furthermore, because the market is so competitive, sale prices are going up as well. As mortgage rates and home prices rise, families need to determine … [Read More...]